output impedance calculation

Electronics question.? - Yahoo! Answers.
Wikipedia - Impedance matching - Sound engineering - Audiosonica.
A certain Audio amplifier has an output impedance of 2 ohms, and is connected to an 8 ohm.….

Amping and amplification in dB gain voltage power - sengpielaudio. value to the left or the right side. The calculator works in both directions of the ↔ sign.. a ratio of input to output voltage,current or power, such as a voltage gain of 4, or a power gain of 2. secondary impedances of an audio transformer. This is given by. So the output impedance varies (if I've calculated correctly) and could never be 8R on this.
The dB calculator - a valuable tool. Voltage Ratio and Voltage Level - sengpielaudio, Power Ratio and Power Level - sengpielaudio. (voltage, current, electric resistance). .. If the output voltage level is 0 dB, that is 100 the level of −3 dB.
The output of any circuit or device is equivalent to an output impedance (ZOUT) in series with a perfect voltage source.
Peavey 5150 pre-amp out vs effects send out; guitar input. output impedance calculation
What Kind Of Amplifier Do You Think I Will Need? - Yahoo! Answers.What is output impedance of K&K cascode CCS? - Audio Asylum.
Can i use a subwoofer rated 4-8 ohms with an amplifier rated at 8. output impedance calculation
Amplifier Output Impedance - Transcendent Sound.Apr 16, 2013. A phono preamp that outputs 1.8V with an output impedance of 1K. http://www.
Jan 21, 2010. >I just don't understand is input/output impedance. Impedance is measured in ohms.
Output impedance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia., Measuring input impedance and calculating output impedance, 1, Backlinks to, 4, 2012-11-01. sengpielaudio. com.
Die sengpielaudio-Tontechnik-Unterlagen, Die Wikipedia-Tontechnik- Erklärungen (Artikel) .. Akustische Impedanz acoustic impedance, sound impedance.